Be Afraid!

We live in a nation where it seems every other day we are being told by the media, the government, etc that we should be afraid of one thing or the other. The cure of today becomes the carcinogen of tomorrow. The truth is that much of the hype is pure scare tactic that either intentionally or unintentionally diverts us from the things we should really be scared of. My goal is to bring some of the truly frightening modern circumstances to light for all to see. These are in no particular order so please do not take the numbers as an indication of the most or least threatening item.

1) Obama renews the NDAA in January 2013 without objecting to the provisions about detaining American citizens indefinitely on suspicion of terrorism and preventing the closure of Guantanamo Bay. (See the Huffington Post and Question More)

Why is this frightening: This provision flies in the face of our Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the entire concept of due process. Gitmo has already become the Chateau D'If of America (see the Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas). The government cannot be allowed to lock away our own people under "suspicion of terrorism" without the concrete evidence that will hold up in a proper court of law. By suspending Habeus Corpus indefinitely there is nothing to ensure that those locked away are in fact terrorists or involved in terrorist activities.

2) Attorney General Eric Holder asserts that the U.S. government had the legal authority to kill a U.S. citizen on American soil through drone strikes

Why is this frightening: This statement goes one step farther than the NDAA in justifying not only the detainment of US citizens but their execution through drone strikes. Nothing else needs to be said on the matter.