Thursday, January 26, 2012

A Rock and a Hard Place

The race for the Republican nomination has officially turned into a circus. With Romney and Gingrich acting like 5-year-olds fighting over a trip to Disneyland I am dumbfounded by their apparent leadership in the race. A reality TV show would be a more appropriate arena for their bickering. Whether you are for or against Obama it's becoming rapidly apparent that Republicans have little to no chance of winning this election. While the GOP worries about insulting Ron Paul enough for him to run as a third-party candidate (taking his vast following with him), they seem to be turning a blind eye on the shameful behavior of their two leading candidates.


  1. It's kinda sad (at least if your a republican anyway) that these two are in contention for the GOP nomination.

    On one hand you have a guy (Mit Romney) that worked for a company that took over other companies then sacked the workers after milking the place for cash (or so I hear) and who can't really run against President Obama on the health care issue, since "Obama Care" (a term I dislike) was based on the healthcare package created by then Governor Romney. This is an issue since healthcare reform is a major GOP issue.

    On the other hand you have a guy named Newt. A guy who's had ethical issues, a guy who's cheated on his wife, and well frankly it seems say nearly anything to get elected!

    On the far end (not on any hand) you have Ron Paul, whom I like (athough Don't agree with often enough), but who has absolutely no chance of getting the GOP nomination.

    I want Gingrich to get the nomination, since if this happens by all accounts the republicans are going to get trounced against President Obama.

    Romney has the best chance between the two main contenders, but even he will probably loose to President Obama.

    President Obama is just a good candidate, and at this point a lot of people can see that it's republicans and their failed policies that have gotten us into the situation we are in, that and congresses approval ratings are in the toliet will not help things either.

    The do nothing congress has done it's part to shoot the GOP in the foot in 2012.

    Either way the 2012 election is going to be one for the books and fun as heck to watch.


  2. Don't forget Mr.Santorum. Even he has a better shot at the nomination than Dr.Paul and he is not just a homophobe but actively campaigns against gay rights.

    I consider myself a former Obama fan. His acceptance speech after the 2008 election moved me deeply and I actually did have hope but no longer. My vote for Obama was the lesser evil as I liked the line up in the following order:


    And Palin was so far below the rest that she would have outweighed everyone else. For comparison, it is a toss up between my dislike for Sarah Palin and my dislike for Rick Santorum. I still plan to vote Paul in the primary, for all the good it will do. But since it won't be Ron Paul I hope Newt gets the nomination since he can't win against Obama and I'd rather have Obama than Romney. It's the fight for the lesser of the evils.

    1. Yeah I forgot about that guy.

      While at times I'm not happy with President Obama (I like to try and add President and not just call him Obama), he is a good man who's been faced with a do nothing congress that won't let him get anything done. The GOP wants to see him gone and will do anything to make him fail, it's hard if not imposable to with with those people.

      I do wish at times though President Obama would stand up more and not compromise so much. I don't see him as the lesser of two evils.

      One issue with the democrats is sometimes there just isn't much of a fight in them.

      While I won't be able to vote for anybody in the primaries (as I'm not affilated with any party), I may write in Dr.Paul for some local office, a token vote. I'd never vote for him in the general though, as I will always vote democrat.

      On a side note about primaries, I heard a comment about them that amused me, and to some extent is quite true. It went something like this "In the primary you vote your with heart, in the general you vote your mind.". I can't remember who said that, but I like it.


    2. I have to take issue with the "I always vote democrat" line. There are very few, if any, people in this world who align so truly with one party that they can make that statement without some sort of caveat. The statement by itself is representative of a mindset I see all to commonly of touting the party line through lack of understanding and/or due diligence on the part of the individual. I know you are not one of those people, but the statement still makes me cringe.

    3. I don't tout the party line just because I vote strictly democrat in general elections. I'm pretty anti gun control, but pro choice. Sometimes I am just at odds with the party I vote for, but often I am not.

      I just can't see myself voting for a republican ever again. Part of the issue is with the republican party itself. For every one good republican, you have the rest of them.

      I trust the democratic party more to protect my interests then I do any other one.

      I have yet to see a viable 3rd party candidate I can vote for. In Oregon, we don't (like most states) have open primaries, so I can't toss somebody like Dr.Ron Paul a vote.

      I'm a liberal and have no issues with not voting for conservative candidates.

      I voted republican once, for a state seat. This was back when the Oregon legislature was not as close as it is now. Given the current climent, I just can't see myself voting for non democratic party candidates. I do not trust the republican party at all.

      Btw I don't think the democratic party is perfect.


    4. Again, for me it is a question of semantics. I wish we didn't live in a country that was so entrenched in 2 party politics that you have to choose column A or B, especially in the cases when there is little old C sitting on the side that looks truly wonderful except for the fact that they would never be elected. I'm trying to do my part to support non-mainstream candidates not only because I tend to agree with them more and they are usually less idiotic, but because it's the only way we have a chance of changing.

    5. It would be nice more then two viable political parties one could support.

