Friday, March 9, 2012

Sit Back and Watch the World Burn

I feel the need to write but have nothing of particular importance on my mind this evening. All I have been feeling lately is a general irritation towards the world as we know it. Maybe I've been reading too much post-apocalyptic sci-fi, but I find myself wishing at times that the end of the world would come so we could just be done with it all. If it did I'd either be dead (and whether or not you believe in an afterlife my troubles would be over), or I'd survive and struggle on.

Looking at the world we live in I see more and more of the corruption that has oozed and spread like a plague across the world. Even those who claim to want to save the world only do so by blatantly endorsing the oppression of others. Good, hardworking people can't find a job to support themselves, let alone a family. The government is spending money hand over fist to support industries that are failing and banks that are only in this position from their own stupidity and corruption. We still can't decide if we want rampant spending or higher taxes (you can't have both) so the federal government is going bankrupt. Congress continues to entertain ideas and support laws that violate the constitution (and I'm not just talking the Bill or Rights). Greece has fallen, dictators seem a dime a dozen, China is teetering on the collapse of its housing market.

We built this card house and now a wind has come to knock it down. The cards have already begun to fall and our feeble attempts to hold things together only weaken our foundation more. We've lost site of the important things in life and, at the moment, I don't see how we can repair what we have to stop the inevitable collapse. Sometimes it is better to let the cards fall and start fresh from scratch.

Bring it on Mayans, Nostradamus, or the Second Coming. I'm not afraid of you.


  1. I am not a fan of that post apocalyptic fiction.

    As to the feelings you expressed, it's easy to feel that way. There are a lot of bad things going on, I don't think there is much debate on that.

    There is lot of good though, although it can be hard to see that. The media likes to focus on all the bad.

    If the world does end, I'll be sitting back and drinking some scotch, or worst comes to worst some Magnum Malt Liquor.


    1. The good things are on the micro, not macro, scale. There are good people, doing good things, as the world (i.e. government, economics, religion) falls down around them. I just see it as people using a thimble to try to bail out a sinking ship.

    2. Enough thimbles can drain oceans.

