Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Obama Falling to Pieces

Comments about Russia "backing off" until after November's election aside, Obama needs to learn that the things that come out of his mouth say a lot more than he means, or would at least like known. Tuesday's speech to the associated press had several such moments. Some of the highlights, outlined here on msnbc, are items that I feel must be touched on.

The first, which rubs me the wrong way though it's a smart political move, is Obama's use of presidential air time to essentially campaign against his most likely opponent, Mitt Romney. With so many regulations and people monitoring where and how much money is coming in to the different political candidates I'm surprised that more people aren't raising an eyebrow to Obama's low blow. Honestly, commenting on Romney's use of the word marvelous to describe the budget proposal, no matter how misplaced the description may be, appears to me as a flippant, childish jab. The fact that he is using a presidential forum, air time paid for by our tax dollars, makes me even more annoyed.

But I'm only getting started as he goes on to say that domestic spending is the area targeted for cuts under the proposed budget even though it's “exactly the area where we’ve already cut the most.” Excuse me?! Mr. President, it's not good to lie to the American people. As I've shown in not one, but two previous posts, Obama has not been responsible for spending cuts, but rather a ballooning of our national debt and the expansion of some areas of domestic services, such as the health care reforms, that will have a huge overhead cost in order to enforce. But maybe he isn't exactly lying, the truth may be that we've cut the most there since we've cut next to nothing or nothing from everywhere else.

I take insult to Obama referencing Ronald Reagan by saying "Ronald Reagan, who as I recall was not accused of being a tax-and-spend socialist, understood repeatedly that when the deficit started to get out of control that for him to make a deal he would have to propose both spending cuts and tax increases ... He did it multiple times. He could not get through a Republican primary today." This implies that our current president thinks he has followed in Reagan's footsteps (a weak appeal to Reaganites who should be able to follow the numbers) but he has neither cut spending nor raised taxes.

Finally, I'm amazed at Obama's gall and over confidence about his health care reform that is currently sitting in front of the Supreme Court. If the court throws the bill out, as it appears likely they will, then without a back-up plan all that time, money, and effort are down the drain. Obama should be afraid of the supreme court, otherwise they are not a proper check on his power.

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