Friday, February 3, 2012

I agree

This is an actual conversation from a former friend of mine on Facebook. He posted a photo of a man playing a violin in a metro station with a caption talking about how nobody noticed him playing though he played Bach beautifully on a violin worth a half million dollars. My former friend headed the posting with:

"If I had been there, I'd have missed it because my headphones most certainly would have been blasting a genre of metal that uses spoken word. Otherwise, I would have missed it because I don't have a job and can't afford transportation."

The conversation followed:

RD(random dude): I would have missed it given that i don't care for violin
FF(former friend): That's really an ignorant thing to say here. I play violin. Not for busking, not even for a lover--just for me. My violin is my voice. No one was asking you if you care for it.
RD I don't really care if you play violin. That's your choice. My choice is to not care for it. I never said people who play violin are stupid, or that violins are terrible themselves, or anything that could *actually* be called ignorant. Don't get super-defensive on me just because I don't like what you do. That's kind of ignorant.
FF: Then why the fuck are you trolling my page to declare this, regardless of how blatantly insensitive and irrelevant what you have to say is?
FF: Like seriously, no one was asking you. I've never even met you, and have to my best recollection never interacted with you, so if you don't have anything relevant to say, you're hitting a major fucking nerve here.
RD: Trolling? Trolling is saying things just to get a reaction. I never expected a full-on hissy fit from anybody. I didn't expect much of a reaction at all, and yet here we are. If what I said offends you, you need to grow some thicker skin. Until you started acting like a crybaby I said abssolutely nothing that could possibly be construed as rude or inappropriate. In the future, if you don't want people to add their thoughts, I'd suggest you not make public posts. That way you'll never have to deal with any opinions other than your own again, and you can save other people from this pathetic whining. Everybody wins.  
FF: *rolleyes* See status update concerning this event for why I think you're being fucking stupid and jamming your own foot as far down your throat as it takes right now, to shit it out the other end. 

*Sigh* this is the kind of single-minded, arrogant, persecuting bull shit that makes me sick. More than sick, my mind can not wrap itself around how someone can honestly think like this. There is no logic (and yet this person continues to pretend that he's infinitely logical). I would love to go on and point by point breakdown the stupidity of my former friend, but I just don't even know where to begin. There's too much ground to cover.

*On a side note, said former friend unfriended me on Facebook after we had a similar altercation debating what is and is not censorship.  

1 comment:

  1. I'm not a huge violin fan either, so I can very much understand somebody not stopping for that reason.

    It's funny that he (FF) says "That's really an ignorant thing to say here. I play violin. Not for busking, not even for a lover--just for me. My violin is my voice. No one was asking you if you care for it."

    When in his intro to the whole thing he said ""If I had been there, I'd have missed it because my headphones most certainly would have been blasting a genre of metal that uses spoken word."

    How is that much different then not stopping because you're not a violin fan? I don't think it is that different.

    FF clearly over reacted here. The thing is just because the violin is his voice, doesn't mean somebody coming by and saying "not a fan of that instrument" is somehow damaging to him at all.

    There was also no indication in the posting prior to the convo that would have pointed to that being the case. Now granted his (FF's) reaction would have still been a bit much

