Monday, February 13, 2012

It's not Just Me, it's the Insurance Too!

So the continuing saga of my insurance battle unfolds.

Today I received a statement of charges from my doctor's office (which I called in and left 2 voicemails before reaching a person on my third call but that's another story). The doctors office says that my remaining portion, after insurance, is $500 and change. This, to remind anyone who actually read my previous post, is for a total of 6 visits, one of which was for labs only. I am doing my due diligence and go over this bill with a fine toothed comb and determine that my insurance is, in fact, screwing me over.

Of the $500 it says I owe, I believe my actual balance due is somewhere closer to $100 for various labs and missed copays. How can this be? Well the statement I received shows what insurance codes each charge was billed under. One particular code, we will call it code X, appears under three different visits as the primary charge of "office/outpatient". Under the first visit billed under this code my insurance paid $0. The 2nd visit under code X my insurance paid the balance in full. Then, under the third code X, my insurance once again decided to pay $0.

Anyone else see the problem here? My insurance is really not going to like it when I call them on it tomorrow but that's what they get for rocketing themselves up to a solid level 6 on my FT Scale, and they're damn lucky that I'm feeling generous today.

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